Humour, Language

Bangus Spanish Style

I’m trying to grow up.  Really, I am.  The problem is that I keep running into things that make my inner 12 year old laugh.  Thanks to a Spanish company, I’ve immatured again. This blog is only really funny if you are Korean or if you have studied Korean a bit.  It also may qualify as funny if you are…

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Business, Humour


Do you like the title of this post?  I want that number to be burned in your memory.  It’s very important. Yesterday a customer came into my cafe and, for some odd reason, had in his possession an invoice of monies owed to the CRA.  The CRA, for those of you who don’t know what it is, is the Canadian…

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Ingenuity: A Byproduct of Quality Problem Solving

My mom sent me this link to a recent TED Talk where a gentleman named Wade Davis very eloquently and convincingly talks about how Shell and other industrial giants should pack their bags and get out of Northern BC’s dodge.  During the presentation he displays some of the prettiest pictures I’ve ever laid my eyes on and he talks of…

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Business, Coffee, Life Skills, Originally Written Elsewhere

How Honest are Vancouverites – A Series of Social Experiments

Here is a series of ( social_experiments) performed at a downtown coffee shop in Vancouver.  These experiments took place between February 21st, 2011 and August 5th, 2011.  This was a fun experiment designed to test the integrity of the general public walking by a downtown Vancouver coffee shop on a normal day during daylight hours.  Originally posted at Special thanks…

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Coffee, Humour, Originally Written Elsewhere

Does an Espresso Bean Cure All Stomach Ailments? – Another Human Experiment

Originally posted at, Mon, 02/28/2011 – 12:31 ———————– So, there I am.  Standing.  But I wish I was sitting…because I have a certain common bowel-related ailment going on.  But that’s more than you need to know.  Let’s just call it a ‘stomach ailment’. For a few hours I endured the usual challenges associated with this ailment but on hour…

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Business, Humour, Life Skills, Originally Written Elsewhere

Patchouli Oil – The Easy Way to Lose Friends and Kill People

Originally posted at, Thu, 03/03/2011 – 20:20 —————————————- It started with a gagging feeling in the back of my throat.  You know – the one you get if you stick your finger far enough back.  Usually it causes a kind of automatic ‘wwwweck!’ sound, but I digress.  Then, a kind of dry-eye feeling (if that’s a feeling) arose.  Sounds…

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