Humour, Technology


This will be my second shortest post ever followed by my first shortest here. I just wanted to log this into history since I couldn’t find any proper way to explain this. Official Clinical Term Official clinical term: fenestranimium perennialtrepidum Official Description Official description: The ongoing feelings of anxiety associated with an excessive number of applications or windows being open…

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Humour, Technology


This will be my shortest post ever. I just wanted to log this into history since I couldn’t find any proper way to explain this. Official Clinical Term Official clinical term: perderatabaphobia Official Description Official description: The fear of closing a browser or shutting down a computer completely for fear of losing the countless hundreds of open tabs Official First…

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Flat Earth, Humour


I’m one of those people who just can’t find time or care to participate in popular news. So what I do is I go to once in a while and scan the headlines. Since Covid19 arrived I’ve been unable to toss the thought that there seems to be a qualified marketing firm behind it. People are ‘talking the talk’…

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Humour, Ubuntu

Pronouncing Ubuntu Correctly Matters.

Mr. Joey Sneddon, I don’t know you and I’m sure you are a really nice guy (you seem nice in some youtube videos) and that you mean well and probably think you are helping Ubuntu, however, you published this article called how to pronounce Ubuntu which I think is damaging to the Ubuntu project. I’m not sure if you read…

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Faith, Faith and Religion, Humour

The Best Way to Flee Naked

I love God’s word.  All of it.  Some of it, I will indeed be asking Him directly about one day for the full revelation but for now, while I’m sporting my patented Glasses Darkly,  I only get a little glimpse. Today I was reading this unique chunk of spiritual revelation.  It occurred seconds after Jesus was betrayed by Judas and…

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