
Franchisees – Well Chosen Victims

I was a franchisee of a big coffee chain for many years in Vancouver.  To sum up the story, it ended ugly and I was shocked that I had involved myself with such a system.  But actually, I’m not shocked at all – I was completely ignorant.  And that really got me thinking. The thought rolled over and over again…

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Business, Faith, Faith and Religion, Life Skills

The Tithe Challenge

The ‘tithe’ has a lot of significance to me these days. When I first gave my life to Jesus the first major challenge I had was the concept of the tithe because my worldly teachers had always taught me to ‘save and invest in my own empire’.  Wikipedia defines the tithe as 10% contribution to a religious organization or compulsory…

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Life Skills

The End of Geek

A friend of mine sent out an email to people he knew and respected about how he was invited to speak at a well known event with the word ‘geek’ in the title.  It was apparently an honour.  The reply-all response to the email by a gentleman whom I respect greatly caught me off guard and really got me thinking…

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Life Skills, Technology

A Better Craigslist Selling System

Have you ever felt that Craigslist is a great system but a little difficult to manage in regards to keeping track of photos and content – especially when it doesn’t sell right away? It’s easy when you price something dirt cheap but sometimes you are trying to sell something that you want to get a little more money for or…

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Humour, Life Skills

Learning from my Pee

So I woke up and whizzed – my normal morning ritual.  But today was different.  Today my pee was phosphorescent yellow.  I’m not talking about ‘bright yellow’ or ‘really yellow’.  I’m talking about so bright that I thought someone had dropped a glow stick in the bowl or that a nearby nuclear reactor had managed to send it it’s waste…

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