
Introducing Mr. Soulcase

Theologically speaking, Mr. Soulcase should probably be named ‘Mr. Spiritcase” but it just doesn’t have the same ring.  The Bible says in Corinthians 2 verse 11: For who among men knows the things of a man except the man’s spirit within him? So too, no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. People without faith in…

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Faith, Life Skills, Parenting

Overcoming the ‘spirit of christmas’ with the Spirit of Christ: Part 6 in a Series: Dealing With Pressure to Buy Gifts

If you haven’t been following the series, it started a while back now and the goal here is to shoot some ‘sacred cows’ and see if the foundation we are building on is solid, or one of ‘shaky foundations’. Here are some quick links to the series: Part 1: Roots Part 2: Tree vs Vine Part 3: Santa Part 4:…

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Super Fast Summary of Christianity and the Human Condition

I wrote this to a friend and I think it’s a fine synopsis of the spiritual condition and so I wanted to share it with the world wide webs: ——————————————– While you are waiting for Dr. Wayne’s spiritual advice, please note that the advice is always the same. Here it is in point form because you like point form: +++The…

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Faith and Religion, Parenting

The Battle of Disciples of Christ as Parents of Children in a New Age Education System

Are you a parent of a kid in a ‘secular’ school and find that your spirit is grieved by stuff that’s happening?  You are not alone.  I also am battling this and far, far sooner than I had expected. First, a quick background: I’m a disciple of Jesus the Christ of Nazereth, aka ‘a Christian’.  I refrain from using the…

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