Humour, Life Skills

Men are Not Women and Vice Versa

I was on this very cool blog by some brother called the BalylyBlog and came across the most recent post. If you were ever trying to see a visual presentation of why men and women are not even from the same planet, this video is the one. I was torn as to whether to get upset or laugh.  Both feelings…

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Tutorial, Ubuntu

Clean up Ubuntu with Ubuntu Tweak

I was trying to do an update in Ubuntu and got a message that said I didn’t have enough free space on disk /boot.  I started messing with command line stuff but thankfully I found Ubuntu Tweak which did it all in a few safe-feeling clicks. Why Ubuntu-Tweak is not in the Ubuntu Software Center is a mystery that I…

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How to Gauge your Christian Life

It’s a fact that there are just a few lines to carve into your gravestone or fit into your obituary in the back of your local newspaper.  So what would it say about you?  What would you hope it would say about you? As a Christian (I prefer the term ‘disciple’ and ‘believer’ so we’ll be switching effective now, by…

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