Finally useful information from the Facial Literature company. The first time I saw ‘lol’ it was from a grown male and I was very sure it was an abbreviation for ‘lots of love’. It was quite bothersome when he did it a few times during a seemingly normal conversation. I later found out it means ‘laugh out loud’ or something.…
Author: justadminnit
Pornography is Worse than Cancer
I know the title of this blog post is pretty strong, but it’s the truth. As I get older the burning desire inside of me for truth has been further fueled. At about the age of 11 I had my first exposure to pornography when I found a magazine under a bush near my house. The very depths of my…
Who Owns Your Phone?
Who owns the phone in your pocket? You might be surprised to learn the truth. Check out Randall Ross’ post and make sure to watch the video. It’s mind opening and hopefully inspiring. I concur that there is no better hope on the planet for freedom of phone than the Ubuntu phone.
How to Securely Control a Remote Ubuntu Machine with VNC and SSH
I have been trying to do this for a while because I don’t like using WINE and the only other option that gave me headache free access to another machine was a proprietary one. I wanted to be able to tunnel into my mom’s computer and offer her full tech support visually, just like any other remote access software. I…
New Paragon MLS Website for Residential Agents in Vancouver
A word from our sponsor: Looking for water with your own brand on it? CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS So you’re a residential agent in Vancouver board and you can’t find the new paragon login link? Good news. I’ve saved it in this post for you! If you are a commercial agent see this post. I was in…
Men are Not Women and Vice Versa
I was on this very cool blog by some brother called the BalylyBlog and came across the most recent post. If you were ever trying to see a visual presentation of why men and women are not even from the same planet, this video is the one. I was torn as to whether to get upset or laugh. Both feelings…
Drop the Titles, Father Doctor Reverend Bishop Billy Bob, Sir.
Titles have always bugged me, not just in the church. They serve only one purpose: to make people think you are ‘all that and a bag of chips’ – to ‘blow wind up one’s own kilt’, if you will. Their purpose is to simply show credibility when credibility is needed, but when I shake your hand for the first time,…
Clean up Ubuntu with Ubuntu Tweak
I was trying to do an update in Ubuntu and got a message that said I didn’t have enough free space on disk /boot. I started messing with command line stuff but thankfully I found Ubuntu Tweak which did it all in a few safe-feeling clicks. Why Ubuntu-Tweak is not in the Ubuntu Software Center is a mystery that I…
A Better Brainless Way To Rip CDs with Ubuntu
Want a simple, automated and graphical way to rip cds and create FLAC, Ogg, Mp3s and other formats? Read on. Of course, we assume that you are using Ubuntu for this tutorial because heck – is there anything else? I was reprimanded and dragged through the coals and beaten like a rented mule the other day by a blond Ubuntu…
How to Stamp PDF Documents in 10 Easy Steps
Need to stamp a PDF with a ‘confidential’ stamp (or any other stamp?) for FREE? Not only is this free but it’s freedom software as well. You may have already read my tutorial about how to watermark and stamp documents using PDF chain. This turned out to be an amazing tool for doing a bunch of PDFs and pages with…