As I trudge along my spiritual journey to meet Truth Himself (Jesus is Truth)(remember that famous scene when Pontias Pilate said ‘What is truth?”) I have now come to what I used to think was small potatoes – the church. I always used to view ‘the church’ as a kind of vehicle that helps you get to heaven – kind…
Author: justadminnit
How and Why to Start a Church
I decided to blog parts of an email I just sent to my wife. When I email my wife, by the way, the idea is that she can take time to digest what’s going on inside of me and it allows me time to compose my thoughts instead of blurting them in her face with my nasty style. Without further…
Time to End the Weak Christianese
Something happened today. I got an email from someone I know who in normal times doesn’t not freely speak of God or His word. When in person it would be a rare occasion to talk about the riches of the Bible or what God is doing in our lives. Then, randomly I got this well-meaning email forward from here which…
How to Flash OpenWRT on a DIR-615 C1 Router
Before I explain the ‘how to’ part, please allow me to explain everything I tried to do first in case some of these key words save someone else the pain: -I tried everything I could find on the well meaning but horrendous pages of OpenWRT. Specifically this one for this router located here. -I tried the ‘upload via recovery mode…
Stuff that Matters (STM): Digital Privacy for the People
And, the ‘new series’ to compliment the new category ‘Question the Magic (QTM)’ is ‘STM’ (stuff that matters). There is a flurry of stuff, especially in tech, flying at us. Most of that is white noise, but all of it matters because I’ve learned from people (like my ghost writer) that you are either travelling down the slippery slope to…
Is Christmas Good or Bad?
As part of my ongoing ‘battle against the spirit of christmas‘ which started years back now, I continue to dig in deeper each year. This year the fire was truly kindled when our family decided that we may not go to our church’s ‘christmas service’ next week as a form of ‘personal separation’ (call it protest if you want but…
House Church Vs Brick and Mortar Church Building
Is it better to meet in a church building or be part of a house church? I have asked myself this question for over 10 years now. Perhaps it’s because all the ‘downsides’ of brick and mortar churches is repeated to me every seven days like clockwork, but it’s due season for me to spit my thoughts out here. Please…
How to Flash from Cyanogen Mod to Ubuntu on Nexus 4
Normally in the past, it was very easy for me to flash from android to Ubuntu for phone. I just used the usual ubuntu tutorial and it worked. Then, somewhere in the middle I switched to Cyanogen mod (android) as the ‘lesser of two evils’ while I was waiting for bluetooth to improve. I heard today that everything is working…
Aliens Among Us
The existence of aliens has been debated for a long time. It’s time to end the debate. Aliens are real – and they are among us today. However, the true aliens have escaped us because of those deceptive fake aliens (those green things on TV and in the movies). It is the goal of the fake aliens to make us…
How to View Multiple Page Fax with Ubuntu
I got a fax recently as a .tif image file and when I went to open it on the world’s best operating system ubuntu, and it wouldn’t view anything except page 1! I thought there was a bug with the operating system but it turned out that they actually had, built right into ubuntu a viewer designed specifically to handle…