Faith and Religion

Is Christmas Good or Bad?

As part of my ongoing ‘battle against the spirit of christmas‘ which started years back now, I continue to dig in deeper each year.  This year the fire was truly kindled when our family decided that we may not go to our church’s ‘christmas service’ next week as a form of ‘personal separation’ (call it protest if you want but…

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Faith, Faith and Religion

Aliens Among Us

The existence of aliens has been debated for a long time.  It’s time to end the debate. Aliens are real – and they are among us today. However, the true aliens have escaped us because of those deceptive fake aliens (those green things on TV and in the movies).  It is the goal of the fake aliens to make us…

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Faith and Religion

Was Martin Luther King Junior a Christian?

This post has been toned down a level as it has been suggested that I was being  ‘judgemental’ and ‘not theologically trained enough’.  Fair enough.  I judged that MLK’s theology was totally off base and I have not been to seminary.  So that is probably true.  But, I’ll change the tone so that this post is in more of a…

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Freedom and Privacy, Life Skills, Technology

Eye Spy with Alphabet Google’s Little Eye Something that is Creepy

Some people think google and their new secret daddy ‘Alphabet‘ are ok.  Perhaps this article will convince you otherwise? In the past, google would very slowly ‘creep’ you from behind.  They’d take a little ‘peek’ over your shoulder at your personal information and then kind of ‘accidentally’ share that information with advertisers.  No biggy.  People get their ‘free’ services and…

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Faith, Faith and Religion

Is USA Presidential Turkey Pardon Harmless Ritual or Mockery of God?

What’s the deal with this USA turkey pardon?  Honestly, I didn’t even know they did this until this year since I haven’t watched TV since I was 14, but this jumped out as ‘highly interesting’ if not possibly masonic or similarly spiritually based. First of all, the current updates on this annual ritual from our friends at wikipedia. This will…

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Freedom and Privacy, Life Skills, Parenting, Technology

Question the Magic (QTM): Hello Barbie

Thanks to my usual homeboys for forwarding this one.  It’s simply…. MAGIC! HELLO BARBIE which costs a mere… oh…. HUNDRED BUCKS, will also, for that small fee, spy on your children (and you as a bonus) and report its findings to an unidentified source for not-fully-disclosed purposes. The Magic Your kid speaks to Barbie and Barbie comes back with one…

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