Faith, Faith and Religion, Flat Earth

Flat Earth: Why I Started Down This Path

(Audio Version at the bottom if you no like reading)

“I am a scientist and if I can’t back up a scientific fact with scripture, I question it’s validity” – Caroline Leaf

That quote just about sums it up.  No matter what way you slice it, if you believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, you will have to travel down this path with me because the Bible teaches a flat earth.

My position is simple in life these days.  My default position is this:

  • God is true
  • All men are liars

Now that we have that out of the way, here is the expanded list:

  • The Word of God is true
  • The Bible is the Word of God
  • The Bible describes the earth as geo-centric, not heliocentric
  • The Bible talks about the world as being an enemy of God
  • If the world is against God, then all of the worldly institutions that are in the business of teaching are also against God.
  • Public education is ‘in the world’ (and it has also infiltrated the church, of course, and all of its institutions).  Funny side note: it’s very funny to me that people complained when the Lord’s prayer was removed from school.  I was more shocked it was ever there!
  • The Bible teaches of a ‘great deception’ that will come at the end of the world where the whole world, and the weak Christians, will be deceived by the anti-christ in some kind of fraudulent (yet spectacular) world-wide show of pseudo-spirituality that looks somewhat divine.

And so that pretty much sums it up.  I have no basis in the Bible to believe anything that comes from these institutions, other than directly observable evidence.

I also have every good reason under the sun to disbelieve every foundational believe system they use to teach anything that in any wise contradicts the solid Word of God.  Some examples of these systems that I would question by default would be:

  • geologic time measurements
  • gravity
  • anything related to a heliocentric model of the earth
  • etc

This does not mean that I would never believe these things, but it does mean that my default position is 100% disbelief and I will start my journey from that position.

The dialogue about the globe earth would therefore go like this:

A: The earth is round

ME: But the Bible describes the earth predominantly as flat-like so therefore I believe it’s flat until proven otherwise.

A: But what about the pictures of the round earth?  that’s first hand evidence for you.

ME: I didn’t take those pictures, nor do I trust the institutions who did. All men are liars.  It may be part of a great deception.  NASA makes a lot of money to produce photos like those.

A:  But what about my friend who went to space himself?

ME: I didn’t go with him.  I don’t know your friend well.  And where does earth end and where does space begin?  And who decided that?

A: But scientists all believe the earth is round.

ME: All of these scientists came out of the same schools which all teach the same things about the world – much like how many theology students will come out of theology school with a bunch of knowledge about the Bible.  Just because you are taught something doesn’t mean that it’s true.  All men are liars.

A: But you can just take a telescope and look!

ME: Yes, and I have.  The moon appears to be round with craters indeed.  But I don’t believe a man has parked a 1960’s Volkswagen Beetle dressed up as a space ship on it.  All men are liars.

And so the dialogue goes.

The problem is that I don’t have a lot of time to go and do a bunch of science.  This leaves me in a position where I have to believe what is right for the amount of knowledge that I have, while slowly picking away at my own research.

As for me, I will believe God at His Word and I will enjoy the earth that way – in a child-like simplicity.  I will look at the cosmos the same way that Abraham did and rejoice greatly in the beauty of God’s handiwork.

As the stars turn around this incredible stage called our life – all designed by a loving God for our enjoyment in whatever short few seconds we have left here.

In this I rejoice greatly and have much peace.

The Audio Version of this Post


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