When I was young, my dad made a joke. I said something about man walking on the moon and he said “How do you know they walked on the moon?” Honestly, he was joking because my dad today actually believes that man walked on the moon. I laughed then at his joking but when I walked away I couldn’t stop thinking about it. How do I know?
My next thought went to the automobiles of that day. The supposed moon landing was July of 1969. Here are a few pictures of the cars on the road at that time to help you get a visual reference:
If those were the best technology and mechanics had to offer in 1969, I thought, how in the world did man get out of the atmosphere and to the moon and back?
The answer turned out to be much easier than I had expected.
“They” didn’t go to the moon.
A quick search online for ‘NASA’ and ‘hoax’ and/or ‘fraud’ should give you more than what you need to review the conspiracy, but of all the videos I’ve seen lately on the topic, nothing is more damning that this one. If you know even the slightest bit about how blue screens work, this video should send a veritable shiver down your spine if you care whatsoever about the truth.
However, there is a very good chance that you will bury your head very deep when you watch this and you won’t be alone. I tried long and hard to bury my head. The implications are far too devastating to one’s world view. The implications will ultimately lead you to question *everything you’ve ever been taught about anything*.
And ‘everything’ and ‘anything’ are items things most people are not willing to put on the line.
For those who care to at least entertain the thought that the world’s foundation is built on sand and possibly the very foundation of your life, please watch this video and let it sink in:
They didn’t go to the Moon. It’s a part of the hoax NASA created just as part of the Hollywood movies so they get enough funding from such stories.