Technology, Ubuntu

What is Ubuntu: Quick, Technical Summary

Today a friend got mad at me.  He barely can even call me his friend it seems! He is upset at my lack of key understanding, and so he should be.  It is kind of funny that we allow things to control our lives and not even understand the very basic stuff about how they work.  It would be like driving your car and not understanding that there is an engine under the hood of the car that needs gas to burn and the burning gas moves the car…

So I guess he got frustrated today because he took the time to educate me.  In fact, the sharp rebuke educational email course was so good that I decided to blog it out there as the best ever snapshot of what Ubuntu is, on a technical level.

Before reading this, though, also understand that Ubuntu is much more than software and you should read about that before thinking it’s just the technical stuff below.

Without further adieu, the *best ever* Ubuntu technical course I’ve ever taken summarized in a few bullet points!

  • Linux is a kernel.
  • BSD is also a kernel.
  • An OS needs a kernel to “talk” to hardware.
  • Ubuntu is an OS.
  • Therefore, Ubuntu needs a kernel.
  • Ubuntu now has two kernels that can be used: BSD or Linux.
  • Some people think Ubuntu = Linux.
  • The people above are wrong.
  • Computer science courses are useful.
  • A trip to KFC contributes to heart disease.
  • Wayne! What the heck is wrong with you???? (I edited this so kid’s could read it)
  • Read this!
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