
Free Android CalDav Calendar Sync with Owncloud

After a long, long, time, the solution to syncing my Owncloud calendar to Android was bloody easy.  The reason why I couldn’t get it done is because it seems that google (no surprise) blocks these kind of tools from their app place.  They like to have things like your daily schedule and whereabouts nicely available for exploiting. If you don’t…

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Freedom and Privacy, Technology, Tutorial, Ubuntu

How to Privatize Your Calendar with Owncloud, Thunderbird, and Lightning

Edit 151224: I had accidentally selected ‘ics’ format instead of caldav.  Sorry about that. Now it works! — Getting your calendar off other  people’s servers should be a priority.  It’s bad enough that you’re being tracked unwillingly but throwing your daily calendar out there to be viewed is borderline twisted. I needed a solution where the sync was happening on…

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Freedom and Privacy, Technology, Tutorial, Ubuntu

How to Completely Remove Unsafe Microsoft Windows and Replace with Safe Ubuntu

So you have a Microsoft Windows computer.  You finally realize that the reason you have no hair on your head is because you pulled it all out at your computer.  It is full of viruses, malware, and a host of other programs attempting in vain to stop these from making their home on your machine.  Also, you heard the news…

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