
How to Gauge your Christian Life

It’s a fact that there are just a few lines to carve into your gravestone or fit into your obituary in the back of your local newspaper.  So what would it say about you?  What would you hope it would say about you? As a Christian (I prefer the term ‘disciple’ and ‘believer’ so we’ll be switching effective now, by…

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Faith, Life Skills

Stella Young – Inspiration Porn

I have got to say… Watching this presentation by Stella Young completely revolutionized the way I view disabled people.  In a humourous way,  Ms. Young presents a non-humourous subject matter – the way non-disabled people view disabled people.  My spew will follow underneath the embedded TED Talk below:   This speech really challenged me and my position and relationship with…

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Business, Faith, Faith and Religion, Life Skills

The Tithe Challenge

The ‘tithe’ has a lot of significance to me these days. When I first gave my life to Jesus the first major challenge I had was the concept of the tithe because my worldly teachers had always taught me to ‘save and invest in my own empire’.  Wikipedia defines the tithe as 10% contribution to a religious organization or compulsory…

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Humour, Language, Life Skills

Why the Crapital Letters?

So there I am typing an email to someone who sits somewhere between a friend, an acquaintance and a business partner.  I had begun the email typing very quickly, not even taking the time to hit the shift key to capitalize his name. At the end of the email, as is customary, I nailed the shift key and typed my…

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