Freedom and Privacy, Life Skills, Nextcloud, Tutorial, Ubuntu Touch

How to Set up a Calendar with Ubuntu Touch and Nextcloud

1. Set up online account in Ubuntu Touch You will need all your calendar info from your Nextcloud instance before beginning. Looks something like this: open calendar middle icon that shows grid calendar ‘add online calendar’ choose NC enter credentials 2. Sync UT calendar ‘should’ start syncing right away and you’ll see a little icon appear showing that sync…

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Life Skills, Technology, Tutorial, Ubuntu

How to Sync a Calendar Between Owncloud/Nextcloud and Thunderbird Lightning

For some reason this is not that intuitive the first time and there don’t seem to be many/any specific tutorials out there.  I kept getting a ‘modification fail’ error message or other errors. So, here you go: In Nextcloud/Owncloud 1. Log in to your browser-based owncloud/nextcloud page 2. Go to the top left and click the down arrow to access…

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Free Android CalDav Calendar Sync with Owncloud

After a long, long, time, the solution to syncing my Owncloud calendar to Android was bloody easy.  The reason why I couldn’t get it done is because it seems that google (no surprise) blocks these kind of tools from their app place.  They like to have things like your daily schedule and whereabouts nicely available for exploiting. If you don’t…

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