Probably my title will be longer than the body this time. I used search engines, and AI bots to try to find the answer to this and eventually found it on my own! Disappointing but real… If you want to quickly search to see the following about a company, then this is the post for you: If I a company…
Tag: bc
Is the BC government informing you or seducing you with your injection reminder? …
Should Yoga be Taught in BC Public Schools?
UPDATES: RESPONSES below added The following is a real dialogue between a British Columbia parent who didn’t like the idea of their child doing yoga without their permission in what they thought was a secular school. Note that the parent received no further communication after sending their time-consuming response below: Original Email written by Teacher to Parent Mrs.…
Stuff to Keep in Mind for Realtors, Tenants, and Landlords in BC
Here are some snippets of information that should help both tenants and agents. When a property is for sale, there are some rules that need to be followed and some in particular are more relevant to common real estate transactions involving tenants. First here is a link to the BC government tenancy guide page Next, here is the actual PDF…
Ingenuity: A Byproduct of Quality Problem Solving
My mom sent me this link to a recent TED Talk where a gentleman named Wade Davis very eloquently and convincingly talks about how Shell and other industrial giants should pack their bags and get out of Northern BC’s dodge. During the presentation he displays some of the prettiest pictures I’ve ever laid my eyes on and he talks of…