Business, Life Skills, Technology

My Divorce Phone Call with FIDO (Freaking Incompetent Deception Organization)

Fido is not only incompetent, but they are violators of Canada’s Competition Act.  Here is the recording of the filing of my divorce with Fido. Good thing they have the ‘this call may be recorded for coaching and development purposes’ message, eh? >>>Click here for recording of call with Fido<<< Here are the bullet points of the most horrendous display…

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Life Skills, Pipes

The Secrets of Pipe Smoking

It was hard to come up with a title for this.  Here are some ideas I toyed with: Why Smoking a Pipe Makes You Cooler Why Losers Don’t Smoke Pipes If You Want to be 79% More Classy, Smoke a Pipe. Why your Grandpa Smoked a Pipe and Why He was Cooler Than You Why Pipe Smoke Smells Awesome and…

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Business, Freedom and Privacy, Life Skills, Technology

Realtors Who Use Gmail are In Breach of Their Fiduciary Duty to Clients

It’s time to call a spade a spade. The Real Estate Council of BC talks about the responsibility of real estate agents here.  Scanning down the page there is a section dedicated to ‘fiduciary duty’.  This term sound big but it’s pretty simple.  Lawyers have it, too.  They have to look out for the best interests of their clients and…

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Language, Life Skills

Typoglycemia and Speed Reading

Today I was thinking about the mind and how typos can be easily read and understood by people of the same mother tongue.  I finally found the example by searching the keywords ‘ESL, typos, understand, native,”.  Here is a good summary of what’s up with typoglycemia What jumped out at me was the explanation of why ‘they’ think it happens.…

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