Faith, Life Skills

Stella Young – Inspiration Porn

I have got to say… Watching this presentation by Stella Young completely revolutionized the way I view disabled people.  In a humourous way,  Ms. Young presents a non-humourous subject matter – the way non-disabled people view disabled people.  My spew will follow underneath the embedded TED Talk below:   This speech really challenged me and my position and relationship with…

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Faith and Religion, Life Skills

Ready to Die?

Usually I try to focus on the humourous part of life, but sometimes life is serious.  Sometimes something jumps out at me and ‘puts me in my place’ and helps me refocus.  This quote was just such a quote.  I stopped in my tracks and thought of my family, my friends and even myself. Take a moment to grade yourself.…

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Life Skills

For How Long Will Translink Remain a Shame?

The trigger for this quick post is this amazingly well built website to stop the provincial “translink tax’ to cover the cost of ‘stuff’ to ‘reduce traffic’.  Seriously check out this site and power through right to the bottom. Kind of makes your gut hurt but it’s great: >>Website about Translink Tax<< After reading it and voting ‘no’, it made…

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Freedom and Privacy, Life Skills, Technology, Tutorial, Ubuntu

PGP (Yeah, You Know Me): and How to Set Up New Key

PGP encryption on your email is not only awesome but it’s now mandatory if you care even the slightest about your personal privacy.  If you don’t care about your personal privacy, I invite you to strip naked and dance in front of your living room window towards the street with your blinds open at night…. unless you look like me…

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Faith, Life Skills, Parenting

Overcoming the ‘spirit of christmas’ with the Spirit of Christ: Part 6 in a Series: Dealing With Pressure to Buy Gifts

If you haven’t been following the series, it started a while back now and the goal here is to shoot some ‘sacred cows’ and see if the foundation we are building on is solid, or one of ‘shaky foundations’. Here are some quick links to the series: Part 1: Roots Part 2: Tree vs Vine Part 3: Santa Part 4:…

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Business, Faith, Life Skills

Goodbye 2014! Hello 2015!

Well, as the Lord God explicitly laid out for me, 2013 was a ‘year of pain’, 2014 would be a ‘year of recovery’ and 2015 is expected to be a ‘year of gain’. The first two have played out exactly perfectly to a tee. 2015 is a mysterious mystery which lies before me and I’m like a man about to…

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