This article started out kind of exciting. It explained how Ubuntu was about to show, on a large commercial scale the unveiling of convergence of multiple devices. For those who don’t know what convergence is, it’s the ability for multiple devices to converge into one user experience – without the need for multiple processors and hard drives. For a company…
Author: justadminnit
How to be in, but not of the world.
I know. It sounded like I was going to provide a step by step tutorial about how to both live in the world and yet live in God’s kingdom. Sadly, I’m just not that spiritual yet. However, I do enjoy slamming out blogs of things that I’m working through in my own life. This week, I encountered and interesting situation. …
Proof of God’s Presence: Transformation
Perhaps one of the things that has grieved me the most over the years is a reality I have seen in the Body of Christ – something of which both myself and my wife were guilty as charged. This something seems to be everywhere now that I ask around and now that I’m actively looking. The reason it is so…
Freedom from the Annoyance of Time
Ever felt you can’t focus on someone or something because something is scheduled? In my case, I was trying to focus on God Almighty and I kept becoming aware that I only had a half an hour before I had to start getting ready for work. That ain’t natural, and that ain’t the way it’s supposed to be. So I…
Should Unbelievers Join Believers in Worship?
Frankly, this topic is a tough one which has recently occupied much of my thoughts. The two conflicting issues are as follows: Does the presence of an unbeliever during times of fellowship hinder the power and holiness of God (a kind of quenching)? Do we remain totally open and let any polite person sit in our midst regardless of their…
The Most Relevant Documentary of Our Age
I’ve seen a lot of documentaries, a lot of conspiracies, a lot of interesting things. Nothing comes close to the importance and relevance of this one.
Is the Current Christian Church Biblical?
As I trudge along my spiritual journey to meet Truth Himself (Jesus is Truth)(remember that famous scene when Pontias Pilate said ‘What is truth?”) I have now come to what I used to think was small potatoes – the church. I always used to view ‘the church’ as a kind of vehicle that helps you get to heaven – kind…
How and Why to Start a Church
I decided to blog parts of an email I just sent to my wife. When I email my wife, by the way, the idea is that she can take time to digest what’s going on inside of me and it allows me time to compose my thoughts instead of blurting them in her face with my nasty style. Without further…
Time to End the Weak Christianese
Something happened today. I got an email from someone I know who in normal times doesn’t not freely speak of God or His word. When in person it would be a rare occasion to talk about the riches of the Bible or what God is doing in our lives. Then, randomly I got this well-meaning email forward from here which…
How to Flash OpenWRT on a DIR-615 C1 Router
Before I explain the ‘how to’ part, please allow me to explain everything I tried to do first in case some of these key words save someone else the pain: -I tried everything I could find on the well meaning but horrendous pages of OpenWRT. Specifically this one for this router located here. -I tried the ‘upload via recovery mode…