Faith and Religion, Freedom and Privacy, Life Skills, Technology, Ubuntu

The Race to Convergence: Or is it a Marathon?

This article started out kind of exciting.  It explained how Ubuntu was about to show, on a large commercial scale the unveiling of convergence of multiple devices.  For those who don’t know what convergence is, it’s the ability for multiple devices to converge into one user experience – without the need for multiple processors and hard drives.  For a company…

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Faith, Faith and Religion

How to be in, but not of the world.

I know.  It sounded like I was going to provide a step by step tutorial about how to both live in the world and yet live in God’s kingdom.  Sadly, I’m just not that spiritual yet.  However, I do enjoy slamming out blogs of things that I’m working through in my own life. This week, I encountered and interesting situation. …

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Technology, Tutorial

How to Flash OpenWRT on a DIR-615 C1 Router

Before I explain the ‘how to’ part, please allow me to explain everything I tried to do first in case some of these key words save someone else the pain: -I tried everything I could find on the well meaning but horrendous pages of OpenWRT.  Specifically this one for this router located here. -I tried the ‘upload via recovery mode…

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