I am. It’s very important to make it clear that the author of this blog is not L’il Wayne. I was blogging before L’il Wayne was a thing. Sorry L’il Wayne. Ain’t nothing but a chicken wing. I’ve also noticed that these young bucks started a band called “Fountains of Wayne” which was clearly stolen from this blog. That’s ok. …
Author: justadminnit
Ubuntu: Something to Write About
Today a friend pointed out that Mr. Joey Sneddon (a.k.a. Mr. OMG Ubuntu) had nothing to write about. If you don’t believe me, go read it yourself HERE. Really? Nothing to write about? Is that possible in Ubuntu? I could understand having nothing to write about in Apple, in Google or in Microsoft because you can only talk about what…
Biblical Church Revealed During Break from Brick and Mortar
A letter written to my friend that I felt was worthy of sharing to the world as well: Now brace yourself for the rest since you asked! Interestingly, about this time last year we made a decision to pull out of church-church. It’s a long story and had nothing to do with personality conflicts or even really theology, but it…
Flat Earth – Considering it Will Improve Your World View
There is a fine line between shutting your brain down and opening your mind to everything that comes along. For anyone who has been wronged by an authority figure or system, it’s very easy to shift to the ‘open mind’ side and believe every conspiracy that comes along. For those who cannot afford to be viewed as ‘stepping out of…
Ubuntu 16.04 – How to Make Brightness Keys Work on System76 Lemur
Nice computer. Usually works awesome. Just this one little bug every time I re-install the OS or upgrade it seems. Easy to fix but I always forget how to do it so here it is for everyone else who might be having issue. Might also solve all your other Intel brightness button issues so give it a shot! This also…
Flat Earth: Christian Scientific Presentation Against Flat Earth
On my continual life-long journey of hungering truth and enjoying knowledge, I continue to venture deeper into the flat earth versus globe earth discussion. It is, by far, the most important periphereal topic because it does indeed affect your world view. On the one side, I don’t want to be lead astray into some ostracized corner of society where people…
Flat Earth and the Bible: Did Jesus Talk About Time Zones?
Let us continue our journey towards truth – whether hard or easy. Did Jesus clearly ‘know about time zones’ and ‘talk about time zones’? Let’s take a look at the Bible in Matthew 24:36-42 and Luke 17:33-36 (pasted at the bottom for your convenience): The argument against the flat earth model with these scriptures is that Jesus is ‘clearly talking…
How to Make Old HP Laserjet 1000 work with Ubuntu 16.04
EDIT: Sorry, I had one weird ‘-yes’ stuck in that first command a while back but have fixed it and this tutorial works again with copy/paste of commands. Sorry for any inconvenience. I’ll admit I should probably upgrade my printer but… it’s still alive so I won’t. Problem is that now it’s getting harder to install on Ubuntu. Hopefully this…
Reasons to Switch to Ubuntu Phone
Someone I know sent me this positive article about the ubuntu phone. I read it and it was nice, and probably one of the best ‘tech-focused’ articles, but as a few friends and I discussed after reading it, it’s missing some of the most important reasons why one would switch. Here are my list of reasons why one should switch:…
How to Use Owncloud Sync on Ubuntu Phone
Congrats! So you figured out the 20 steps to getting owncloud-sync on your ubuntu phone. The problem is … now what? How do you make it work? It took a bit of goofing around but here is what I figured out: Sync Files Do my tutorial (if it’s not in the software center when you read this) HERE Go to…