Humour, Ubuntu

Pronouncing Ubuntu Correctly Matters.

Mr. Joey Sneddon, I don’t know you and I’m sure you are a really nice guy (you seem nice in some youtube videos) and that you mean well and probably think you are helping Ubuntu, however, you published this article called how to pronounce Ubuntu which I think is damaging to the Ubuntu project. I’m not sure if you read…

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Life Skills, Ubuntu

How do you pronounce the word Ubuntu?

First, why does it matter? One time a woman named ‘Pam’ got very angry at me for calling her ‘Pamela’.  It didn’t matter to me, but it mattered to her.  It’s kind of like when you’re talking on your phone really loudly but don’t realize it until other peoples’ eye daggers start piercing your vital organs.  It’s kind of like…

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