Freedom and Privacy, Technology

Facebook is Evil.

Dear Friend, Facebook is evil. There. Said it. Now here is an actual article written by a real journalist who eloquently expands on the ‘why’ and even provides some practical solutions.  Although he’s writing to other journalists, there is nothing stopping any of you non-journalists from taking similar action. I, however, would go one step further than Mr. Gillmor:  I…

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Faith and Religion, Life Skills, Technology

Healthy Biblical Position on Privacy and Security

Second revision: March 17, 2016 The other day I indicated to a Bible-believer friend that I would prefer to only communicate with this person (and everyone else) by means of Telegram or secured email, rather than SMS messaging or totally unsecured email.  To my surprise, this person replied back that they were ‘unsure of their biblical position on privacy’. Being…

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Business, Freedom and Privacy, Technology, Ubuntu

Is Gmail Safe to use ‘Just for Business’?

No.  Google is *not* safe to use ‘just for business’, I confirmed clearly today. About seven or eight years ago when I moved my whole life over from proprietary operating systems to Ubuntu, I was still using services like Gmail, Google search engine, Twitter, and a few other ‘services’ like these every day within the Ubuntu environment.  Thankfully, I had…

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Faith and Religion, Freedom and Privacy, Life Skills, Technology, Ubuntu

The Race to Convergence: Or is it a Marathon?

This article started out kind of exciting.  It explained how Ubuntu was about to show, on a large commercial scale the unveiling of convergence of multiple devices.  For those who don’t know what convergence is, it’s the ability for multiple devices to converge into one user experience – without the need for multiple processors and hard drives.  For a company…

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Freedom and Privacy, Life Skills, Technology

Eye Spy with Alphabet Google’s Little Eye Something that is Creepy

Some people think google and their new secret daddy ‘Alphabet‘ are ok.  Perhaps this article will convince you otherwise? In the past, google would very slowly ‘creep’ you from behind.  They’d take a little ‘peek’ over your shoulder at your personal information and then kind of ‘accidentally’ share that information with advertisers.  No biggy.  People get their ‘free’ services and…

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Freedom and Privacy, Life Skills, Parenting, Technology

Question the Magic (QTM): Hello Barbie

Thanks to my usual homeboys for forwarding this one.  It’s simply…. MAGIC! HELLO BARBIE which costs a mere… oh…. HUNDRED BUCKS, will also, for that small fee, spy on your children (and you as a bonus) and report its findings to an unidentified source for not-fully-disclosed purposes. The Magic Your kid speaks to Barbie and Barbie comes back with one…

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Freedom and Privacy, Technology

Question the Magic (QTM): Google Tone

If you haven’t been following the ‘question the magic’ series that I’ve recently started, welcome!  You can see our inaugural post here about a really ‘fun’ watch sponsored by our friends over at the wonderful world of Disney. Today a new ‘magic’ technology was presented to me, being researched by the small and non-invasive company called Google.  I’m sure Google…

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