Faith and Religion

A Timely Word to the Church: No Bed of Roses

Of course, many people know the gem that is Watchman Nee’s ‘the Spiritual man’ but sometimes when you are reading parts they jump out as full-on prophecy.  Like any other sceptical 21st century believer, I am very hesitant to call something prophecy but read this and tell me that God wasn’t speaking to Nee: A Christian must be delivered from…

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How to Gauge your Christian Life

It’s a fact that there are just a few lines to carve into your gravestone or fit into your obituary in the back of your local newspaper.  So what would it say about you?  What would you hope it would say about you? As a Christian (I prefer the term ‘disciple’ and ‘believer’ so we’ll be switching effective now, by…

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Introducing Mr. Soulcase

Theologically speaking, Mr. Soulcase should probably be named ‘Mr. Spiritcase” but it just doesn’t have the same ring.  The Bible says in Corinthians 2 verse 11: For who among men knows the things of a man except the man’s spirit within him? So too, no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. People without faith in…

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Faith, Life Skills, Originally Written Elsewhere

A Forwarded Email from Mom Worth Blogging

Originally posted at, Thu, 10/06/2011 – 20:38 Mom’s gonna read this for sure so I can’t say anything about her forwarded emails but you know… Moms like to forward stuff to their kids.  It’s like social media to them.  My mom is great because we’ve been pretty open about what I auto-delete and what I actually read so she…

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