Faith, Faith and Religion

The Journey of Conscience

I was reading Watchman Nee’s Spiritual Man and finally got to the section about conscience.  What an excellent book, by the way, if you are really hungry to  know how spiritual stuff works for God’s people. In this section, Nee explains the conscience as being a ‘monitor’ of God’s highest will for His children today.  He writes about how conscience…

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Faith, Faith and Religion

Manna: What is it? It is this.

UPDATE: I’ve included a response from a friend to this post in the body of the post below under these neato little == markings, removing some personal identifying items. ========================= I could feel the heavy burden on my back when I woke up.  It was also on my chest.  I could also feel it pushing on my temples (both sides). …

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Business, Life Skills

Licensed to Fail

In order to get your license to succeed, you must first get your license to fail from an accredited school of hard knocks. I used to look at my seemingly endless streams of failures, false starts, half successes and extrinsic accomplisments as ‘bad things’.  I considered them all proof that I was unable to succeed and even that perhaps God…

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Nearly Destroyed

Have you ever felt like you are just on the edge of destruction?  Where all the forces of the world are set to destroy you and no matter how many tears you cry you find yourself backed against a wall awaiting the final swing of the enemies sword to end it all?  This might be financial, spiritual, physical, psychological, social,…

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