Technology, Tutorial, Ubuntu

How to Set up your Ubuntu Server with a new or updated SSH key

Backdrop For some reason this particular skill has been on my ‘fear list’ for many years. I had created ssh keys before, I had ssh’d into lots of servers, but one day, I migrated from one laptop to another and tried to ssh into my work computer and… boom: ssh root@ root@ Permission denied (publickey) In the past, I just…

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Business, Technology, Tutorial

How to deal with the Akaunting default COA account setting error

After setting up my second Akaunting instance (great work, Akaunting team!) I realized again that there is a confusing setup step related to the Chart of Accounts “Double Entry” module. Of course if you are running a ‘real’ business you’ll absolutely have to buy this module, but after you set up your COA for your business, you’ll probably try to…

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Business, Technology, Tutorial

How to make a Virtual Machine (VM) Visible on the LAN with Virtualbox and Ubuntu

Why this post? Some new owners took over a company. The previous owner had delivered a crm system to the new owners which ‘ran on a server upstairs’. The buyers asked for all admin passwords to the server which the Sellers provided. However, these were just user passwords and not actual root passwords or system passwords to the actual box.…

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