This was one of these exercises that seemed like it would be dead easy but took me forever to figure out. My goal was simple: to take one document, and print 4 copies of it to a PDF file (not to paper for now) so that there were 4-up on the page instead of wasting the entire page for this…
Category: Business
How to Make a SuiteCRM Production Subdomain on Digital Ocean Ubuntu Server
I thought this specific tutorial might help others who have the same set up as me: in need of setting up a test environment for trying custom SuiteCRM code before deploying it. A developer may wish to give you some code, log in and patch it themselves for testing, etc, or, you might want to try something without breaking something.…
How to make SuiteCRM Localhost Test Environment
Somehow I got pretty far in life in age and suffering, managed to figure out how to install SuiteCRM on an ubuntu server and basically maintain it (even back it up) but one day I needed to test some custom code on a non-production machine. This is when I realized that I didn’t know (at all) how to make Apache2…
Mother of Business Template Directories
After being involved with more than one company startup, and taking over a few operations, I realized that I’m always doing the same thing which is creating a computer folder structure for the business. Anyone who has done this knows it’s a mammoth task. I finally spent a few weeks and carved out my first ‘template’ called NEWCO_COMPANY_DIRECTORY which can…
How to Install Zint on Ubuntu
How to install Zint (command line) on Ubuntu. I was hoping this would work with a GUI but for the life of me I could not figure it out nor find the repository. It used to work, obviously, by a simple sudo apt install but I’m gettin the ‘can’t find repository’ message. I think it might only work for 20.04…
Importing Chart of Accounts into Akaunting
I’m now well on my way to investing my time and support behind Akaunting software but I feel I should continue to blog my frustrations as well so others can benefit, save some time, and hopefully help improve the code (most important). I had relatively successfully set up Company 1 (“Co1” from here on in) and Wanted to create Co2.…
Backing Common Stuff Up in Akaunting
Warning: I’m so busy these days I don’t have time to do nice editing and correction of typos but whenever I have something I think needs to be logged for others I just slam it out. Apologies for the lack of polish but hopefully the content is valuable. After I took so many days to finally set up my business…
I thought I would install Akaunting the long and hard way rather than the one click install with Digital Ocean – which is probably the smart way to go. I should say that, sadly, after I got Akaunting setup I could not synchronize directly with my bank in Canada as it seems that it does not support the file formats…
Why this post? Some new owners took over a company. The previous owner had delivered a crm system to the new owners which ‘ran on a server upstairs’. The buyers asked for all admin passwords to the server which the Sellers provided. However, these were just user passwords and not actual root passwords or system passwords to the actual box.…
Installing Formtools on a Server with WordPress
I’m not sure how niche this need is but I was in need of making a quick website and then suddenly needed a quick but robust web form tool. I I thought for sure I had written at least a blog or two about this awesome tool at but apparently I have not. I deeply apologize to all the…