Well, at long last it is time to feature the customers that truly make you wonder whether their parents were asleep at the wheel, or, sadly, whether you yourself are off your rockers. Some of these are your regular customers and you are afraid to ask them directly or the topic is awkward. Others are one-off wack-nuts that come in…
Author: justadminnit
How to Program your Baofeng UV-5R with Ubuntu
First of all, I thought I had published this long ago and then when i needed it for my own reference it was gone! I searched high and low but alas – I shall start again. So, as I re-learn this class, I hope it helps you too. First, credit where credit is due. This gent happened to have all…
Top Ten Ways to Get Rid of Customers at Closing Time
Everyone who has worked in a cafe for the closing shift knows about one thing all too well – the customers who just don’t seem to understand that you don’t want to stand there and watch them chat after closing. They are usually very well-meaning people but they just don’t ‘get it’. Maybe they haven’t worked in a food and…
Getting Global Wit’ it (bitcoin)
Yuliya Talmazan had previously called me and then published this article featuring myself as one of the retailers accepting bitcoin in Vancouver. I still find it amusing how there are two Taylors in the same article. Then she dropped by during her coverage of bitcoin for her time on the 6 oclock news. I grabbed the file and decided to…
Buying Bitcoin with your Old Gold
Catchy title, isn’t it? Throws some monkey wrenches into the ol’ investment ideas, don’t it? The interesting thing to me – and I’m already a big fan of bitcoin – is that it may be not far away. Check out this article where gold has fallen from grace. One of my favourite quotes was “People own gold because they don’t…
Echolink for Amateur Radio: Why is it still the best kept secret?
I’ll admit that I’ve been a weekend warrior ham man for too many years. I’m definitely not the guy to have the right to complain about anything based on my participation in the community. That said, my name is VE7CAK and I’m back. And I’m here to stay – God willing and the creek don’t rise. Special thanks to VA7OBI…
If You Want Dedicated Bike lanes, Then Ticket the Snot Out of Bad Bikers
I like bikes. They look healthy and clean and I remember enjoying them when I was a kid. I’ve also heard they are good for adults. I’ve even considered riding one again, but I don’t have either money or time thanks to a devastating investment I made five years ago… but I digress. I’ve been meaning to write this rant…
What’s this bitcoin stuff? A Layman’s Overview
bitcoin. You’ve heard about it somewhere. Maybe a local restaurant has a sign that says ‘bitcoin accepted here’, or maybe you’ve just read about a Ponzi scheme or drug and firearms deal associated with it. What is sure is that you probably don’t have the full story on it – and you should – it’s revolutionary. To start with, take…
Ain’t Nothin’ But a Baofeng, Chicken Wing
Do you like ham? You don’t have to eat ham to like it because now you can do the Baofeng UV-5R+ Plus. I’m not paid to make sense so suck it up, Buttercup. I’m talking about the most awesome ham *radio* ever. Well, it’s definitely the smallest and cheapest ham radio ever. Leave it to the Chinese to make a…
Nik Wallenda, Confidence in Christ, and Assurance of Salvation
I was doing my weekly 3 minute review of what I’m supposed to consider important (scanning the news headlines) when I came across an article and video that actually made me open it in a fresh tab. Nik Wallenda walked across this wire and became the ‘first person to cross the Grand Canyon on a type wire’. Before I even…