First of all, thanks a million to the creators of View Your Mind mind mapping software. It’s a great piece of useful free license software!
Everything was going very well while I was using it. I especially found useful the xlink (xlinks?) feature. This feature will allow you to connect a visual reference from one branch to any other branch on the screen. In my case I was trying to track the last 10 years of my life visually and all the interesting connections and overlaps of people in my life but I needed the xlink feature to do so.
I figured out that if you hold the shift key and click your mouse over a branch that the xlink started working just as the documentation, but I accidentally switched modes and couldn’t get it on again. Unfortunately, p 33 of the documentation wasn’t helpful at all to me. Finally, I figured out how to turn it back on so I wanted to throw it out there for anyone else who might have struggled.