Life Skills

Wayne’s Random Vegan Lowish Sugar Oatmeal Cookies

Vegan. Low(ish) sugar

+++ Wayne's Random Dairy-Free Somewhat Low-Sugar Oatmeal Cookie Things +++

 ** In a small/medium mixing bowl, stick a strainer thing on top and add:

-->1 cup of whole wheat flour

-->1 teaspoon (or more?) cinnamon

-->1 pinch of nutmeg

-->1 teaspoon of baking soda

**In another bigger bowl add:

-->1/4 cup brown sugar

-->1/4 cup white sugar (note that some have reduced this further with satisfaction)

-->1/2 cup of oil (I use whatever kind of oil is there, ha)

**Cream that bad boy up with your whipper machine thing that beats (note that some use a manual whisk...)

**Add to this liquidy oily mess:

-->1 teaspoon (maybe?) of vanilla extract fake stuff

-->2 breakfast cereal spoons of almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk or I
guess milk-milk if you like drinking cow milk

**blend it again.

**Dump in the flour mix.

**blend it again

Fold in:

-->3/4 cup of oats and then

-->1/4 cup of raisins (or more... or less..depends on how much you love raisins?)

make cookie balls

flatten them on a cookie tray (or don't) and then bake those bad boys
for about 10 minutes at 350 degrees (F? C?)
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