
Ubuntu: Something to Write About

Today a friend pointed out that Mr. Joey Sneddon (a.k.a. Mr. OMG Ubuntu) had nothing to write about.  If you don’t believe me, go read it yourself HERE.

Really? Nothing to write about?
Is that possible in Ubuntu?

I could understand having nothing to write about in Apple, in Google or in Microsoft because you can only talk about what they let you talk about.

Perhaps in Apple you could write about your frustrations about how you own the only phone that can’t use a friend’s mini usb charger.  Perhaps you could write about how you feel enslaved and want to break free and have something truly smart in your pocket.  But after that there is absolutely nothing left to write about with Apple.  It’s just a thing.  It’s just electronic ‘stuff’ like a watch or a necklace or a running shoe (with batteries).

In Google perhaps you could write about how you know someone is watching you and you know you are being tracked and compromised for the free email you agreed to sign up for and that you are scared and don’t know what to do.  But once that article is over, there’s nothing more to write about.  It’s just spying and you aren’t willing to close your bedroom window curtains to stop it.

But in Ubuntu having nothing to write about is actually impossible unless you – personally – have lost the vision or, worse, never had it in the first place.

I didn’t come to Ubuntu because it worked better, looked better or could toast my bread with the usb device (although that would actually be pretty awesome – and go figure  it already exists!).  No, I came to ubuntu because it absolutely BLEW MY MIND (that’s the first time I’ve blogged italics and underline together like that I think) that a group of people could get together on a project and end up putting out something that TRUMPED (under-talicked again!) the above mentioned monopolists in both vision, potential, and freedom.

It was night versus day.

And it was exciting!

That was seven years ago and my excitement towards the project has only skyrocketed in the last year with Ubuntu in my pocket and convergence on the horizon.

Nothing to write about??? You should change the blog to WTFubuntu…

How about write about freedom and future?

How about write about revolution?

And if that isn’t exciting enough to fixate upon, you could publish testimonies of people who have been impacted by Ubuntu or who have impacted others.

I’m not trying to say you haven’t done some good informative stuff, because you have, but if you can’t find something to write about, please don’t publish something that makes it sound as if there is nothing to write about!

Maybe this is your problem.  You wrote this:

Get In Touch (Seriously, We Love It)

Whether you’ve made an app, theme or nifty little script you’d like the world to know about, or have stumbled upon some fresh news you think we really ought to mention (and that hasn’t been covered to death elsewhere) please do get in touch.

1.  Is an app newsworthy?  Maybe if you are searching for one, but I’m not sure this is what stirs the hearts of the people and draws them to Ubuntu.

2. Is a theme or a script newsworthy?  Not to 97% of the people I know.  So how about  not asking them for this nor publishing it moving forward? That will drive up interest in your blog by pure statistics.

3. If you angle something correctly you should be able to cover news from elsewhere *better* than others because you can publish about it from an Ubuntu perspective.  To say you don’t want to cover news because someone else did makes me wonder about your passion as a writer.

But here is the bottom line.  Perhaps the stuff you are writing about is not OMG at all.  Perhaps you could start writing about bigger picture things. Not only would your own imagination run wild but you could use your great forum as a place to inspire the minds of people who are pretty darn uninspired out there.

Let us move forward inspiring the world with Ubuntu shall we?


I’m done.

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