Sadly this wasn’t easy. In the Quotes / Line items module, when you are entering the type of discount there are two types by default: Amount (Amt) and Percent (Pct). Someone asked me to change the default from Pct to Amt. I logged in as admin, went into Studio, went to the Line Items module, went to ‘Fields’ and, like…
Tag: tutorial
How to Install Zint on Ubuntu
How to install Zint (command line) on Ubuntu. I was hoping this would work with a GUI but for the life of me I could not figure it out nor find the repository. It used to work, obviously, by a simple sudo apt install but I’m gettin the ‘can’t find repository’ message. I think it might only work for 20.04…
Getting Virtualbox working on Lenovo E540 and T530 on Ubuntu 20.04
Turns out this was a bit of a perfect storm for this combo to start working. There is a bug where some dependency linux header thing messes up getting the right DKMS thing installed and it presents these kind of errors no matter what tricks you try to pull: The BIOS in the Lenovos had need of enabling virtualization Part…
Installing Virtualbox Guest Additions on a Windows 10 VM on an Ubuntu Host
Virtualbox can do a lot more if you get the ‘guest additions’ stuff working. You can read up on other people’s blogs about that more. For now, I just wanted to walk through a bullet point summary of how to get it working on a Windows machine running as a VM inside an Ubuntu Virtualbox host. Probably this method will…
Backing Common Stuff Up in Akaunting
Warning: I’m so busy these days I don’t have time to do nice editing and correction of typos but whenever I have something I think needs to be logged for others I just slam it out. Apologies for the lack of polish but hopefully the content is valuable. After I took so many days to finally set up my business…
I thought I would install Akaunting the long and hard way rather than the one click install with Digital Ocean – which is probably the smart way to go. I should say that, sadly, after I got Akaunting setup I could not synchronize directly with my bank in Canada as it seems that it does not support the file formats…
How to install Korean Hangul Keyboard Ubuntu Gnome 20.04
If you ended up on my 18.04 tutorial for Hangul then you should be here if you have 20.04. There is a difference now in this procedure starting in Part 2 PRE-AMBLE In Ubuntu there are two things that need to happen to be able to type a non-native language into the operating system. You need to get the fonts…
Installing Formtools on a Server with WordPress
I’m not sure how niche this need is but I was in need of making a quick website and then suddenly needed a quick but robust web form tool. I I thought for sure I had written at least a blog or two about this awesome tool at but apparently I have not. I deeply apologize to all the…
Suitecrm is absolutely awesome, free and open software to run your organization or business. I’ve messed around with various crm’s like Salesforce but SuiteCRM is just so flexible. Oh, and it doesn’t cost any money. Oh, and if you need help or other stuff you can just pay people to build what you need. I haven’t explored all sectors but…
SuiteCRM Post-Installation Housekeeping
If you’ve been following along any of my other SuiteCRM (“SCRM” from hereon in) blog posts, you’ll know that I’m a big fan of this free and open SuiteCRM software project. As such, I do my best to document things that are either easily forgotten or difficult to find online. Hopefully some of this is valuable to you. 1 –…