First, as always, a big thank you to everyone who has made Blender possible. No question Blender is one of the very best free and open source projects in the world. To my surprise (again) this particular need of creating a 3D object from a 2D die line was not very well documented for Blender or out there in the…
Tag: how-to
Installing Nextcloud on Digital Ocean Ubuntu Server Droplet
Disclaimer: As always, my blogs are not supposed to be a well-written piece of technical literature but instead a better-than-crap version of a messy notepad. I hope it’s clear enough to help someone other than myself but I always check them to make sure at least I can understand it, ha. It seems that there is a nice blog written…
Fixing My Dead Nextcloudpi box in three simple steps
My nextcloudpi box was kicking back errors and wouldn’t start. It was in a degraded state. I then learned about systemctl –failed command which showed something wrong with certbot. Thankfully I already knew that was related to LetsEncrypt. I realized that it was trying to renew two domains that weren’t there and were expired and would be unable to renew…