Business, suitecrm, Technology, Tutorial, Ubuntu

How to Make a SuiteCRM Production Subdomain on Digital Ocean Ubuntu Server

I thought this specific tutorial might help others who have the same set up as me: in need of setting up a test environment for trying custom SuiteCRM code before deploying it. A developer may wish to give you some code, log in and patch it themselves for testing, etc, or, you might want to try something without breaking something.…

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Technology, Tutorial, Ubuntu

How to Back Up SuiteCRM using Ubuntu

I discovered SuiteCRM by means of searching through my web host’s cpanel softaculous thing – that thing that allows one click installs of ‘apps’ for your server.  Over time, I became a heavy believer in and user of SuiteCRM.  Eventually, I installed an instance for my company on my shared host and the company started using it more and more.…

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