Freedom and Privacy, Technology

Facebook is Evil.

Dear Friend, Facebook is evil. There. Said it. Now here is an actual article written by a real journalist who eloquently expands on the ‘why’ and even provides some practical solutions.  Although he’s writing to other journalists, there is nothing stopping any of you non-journalists from taking similar action. I, however, would go one step further than Mr. Gillmor:  I…

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Faith, Freedom and Privacy, Life Skills, Technology, Ubuntu

Facebook, Apple and Big Brother Peep in your Bedroom at Night

“Facebook, Apple and Big Brother Peep in your Bedroom at Night” Does that title sound creepy?  Good.  It should. And now, it’s real.  I mean literally real.  Not a movie, but real. The kind of real like when you have a severe gas pain that renders you immobile.  That kind of real. The ever-spying, ever-invasive Facebook with their nasty little…

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