Suitecrm is absolutely awesome, free and open software to run your organization or business. I’ve messed around with various crm’s like Salesforce but SuiteCRM is just so flexible. Oh, and it doesn’t cost any money. Oh, and if you need help or other stuff you can just pay people to build what you need. I haven’t explored all sectors but…
Tag: digitalocean
How to Recover Admin Access and Password from Digital Ocean WordPress Install
What happened: I thought I had saved my admin user and password safely in my password manager. Two weeks later after installing a WP instance, I realized I had not. Oops… Obviously the first thing I did was try the ‘reset password’ link on the /wp-login.php page. Oddly this failed. It would not send me an email, whether I used…
Installing Nextcloud on Digital Ocean Ubuntu Server Droplet
Disclaimer: As always, my blogs are not supposed to be a well-written piece of technical literature but instead a better-than-crap version of a messy notepad. I hope it’s clear enough to help someone other than myself but I always check them to make sure at least I can understand it, ha. It seems that there is a nice blog written…