It has been a few months since I have been spit out the other end of my coffee shop franchise – the most painful 5+ years of my life. There are not too many people out there who have lost their entire lifetime earnings plus their inheritance, but when this suffering occurs it creates an instant bond with others who…
Tag: business
If You Want Dedicated Bike lanes, Then Ticket the Snot Out of Bad Bikers
I like bikes. They look healthy and clean and I remember enjoying them when I was a kid. I’ve also heard they are good for adults. I’ve even considered riding one again, but I don’t have either money or time thanks to a devastating investment I made five years ago… but I digress. I’ve been meaning to write this rant…
Cutting Out the Rust
rusty <–CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS POST. RIGHT CLICK ‘SAVE LINK AS’ WORKS TOO. One of my fondest ever memories is that of my 1977 Honday Civic. This thing was dope. Four speeds, a super long stick shift, felt like you were going 200K on the highway when you were actually going 85, and had those…
Smack Me Again, Baby – I Like it
People who use proprietary operating systems (OS) are like those people who like physically abusive relationships. I was having a business conversation with a non-profit organization on another topic. During the conversation I noticed that they had older computers. When I noticed the somewhat dated machines, she explained that they don’t want to waste the donor’s hard-earned money on new…