Freedom and Privacy, Technology, Ubuntu

Do All Tech Writers Suffer from Fear and Creative Paralysis?

Today I was reading a recent article on Forbes website by a supposed ‘contributor’ named Federico Guerrini.  Forbes, as you may know, is a popular place for people to go to try to get ‘informed’.  His article followed perfectly a kind of template that these ‘tech writers’ for popular media use when discussing Ubuntu. The format, and you may have…

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How to Install Telegram on Cyanogenmod

If you were following my other post this week, you’ll see that I’ve had to take a short trip away from ubuntu phone while a few kinks are ironed out.  I had started down this journey thinking that I would just install Cyanogenmod and then download a few apps from google play and then kill the connection to the mothership.…

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Faith, Freedom and Privacy, Life Skills, Technology, Ubuntu

Facebook, Apple and Big Brother Peep in your Bedroom at Night

“Facebook, Apple and Big Brother Peep in your Bedroom at Night” Does that title sound creepy?  Good.  It should. And now, it’s real.  I mean literally real.  Not a movie, but real. The kind of real like when you have a severe gas pain that renders you immobile.  That kind of real. The ever-spying, ever-invasive Facebook with their nasty little…

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Free Android CalDav Calendar Sync with Owncloud

After a long, long, time, the solution to syncing my Owncloud calendar to Android was bloody easy.  The reason why I couldn’t get it done is because it seems that google (no surprise) blocks these kind of tools from their app place.  They like to have things like your daily schedule and whereabouts nicely available for exploiting. If you don’t…

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Technology, Ubuntu

The Ubuntu Phone (U-Phone)

I don’t usually get excited much these days because all advancements in smart phone technology seem to be coalescing to a very dangerous point – monopoly of your life and complete control over your privacy. In Randall’s article he announced the first thing that excited me in this arena since Angry Birds – The Ubuntu Phone. He explains well about…

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