7 thoughts on “New Paragon MLS Website for Residential Agents in Vancouver

    1. agree completely! I was expecting a lot more. It looks flashy in the interface but it doesn’t work well with the brain and where we naturally look for tools. Perhaps the most stupid thing is how you have to choose ‘reports’ to change your current view! Dumb. Should be a button right near search result button or something near by…

    1. This is a great question. Is there an app? I just use Paragon in my mobile browser and on my laptop. Did you try just using it in the browser? Let me try on my phone… wow. Crazy. It sucks. And I searched and I can’t find an app for Android even. This really sucks. I would expect it would at least work well in the browser (like a Word Press site) but it doesn’t. Honestly, I was expecting a MUCH better ‘new mls’. It’s just the same crap with a more modern interface. Boo!

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