Life Skills, Technology, Tutorial, Ubuntu

How to Sync a Calendar Between Owncloud/Nextcloud and Thunderbird Lightning

For some reason this is not that intuitive the first time and there don’t seem to be many/any specific tutorials out there.  I kept getting a ‘modification fail’ error message or other errors. So, here you go:

In Nextcloud/Owncloud

1. Log in to your browser-based owncloud/nextcloud page

2. Go to the top left and click the down arrow to access the calendar app

Note: this *must* be enabled first by your admin, if you happen also to be your own admin


3. Grab the caldav link from the … share icon drop down


4. Select the content of the link and copy it to your clipboard (control A/Control C)


Back in Thunderbird Lightning

Note: You must first have the Lightning add-on installed in Thunderbird if yours does not already have it.  It should come default but I recall in the past it did not…

Now skip past step #10 in this tutorial, and start at the ‘Back in Thunderbird Lightning’ steps

The key point is that it is ‘caldav’ that you select, *not* ical.


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2 thoughts on “How to Sync a Calendar Between Owncloud/Nextcloud and Thunderbird Lightning

  1. This was very helpful. I couldn’t get the iCal to work for me in Nextcloud 10.0.4, but this CalDav method worked perfectly on Thunderbird 52.

  2. Thunderbird needs to take advantage of owncloud/nextcloud account info so that calendars get setup automatically instead of individually. Linux does this for Gnome and it makes it VERY simple.

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