Freedom and Privacy, Life Skills, Technology

Eye Spy with Alphabet Google’s Little Eye Something that is Creepy

Some people think google and their new secret daddy ‘Alphabet‘ are ok.  Perhaps this article will convince you otherwise?

In the past, google would very slowly ‘creep’ you from behind.  They’d take a little ‘peek’ over your shoulder at your personal information and then kind of ‘accidentally’ share that information with advertisers.  No biggy.  People get their ‘free’ services and feel like it’s ok to have a bit of ‘peeking’ since all this ‘great’ stuff is free.

How about if they peek down your shirt, though?

Or, wait! Would it be ok if they watched you while you were changing in your bedroom?

Good news!  Now they can with their new hyper-overdrive-creep-cam!

Why ‘peek’ when they can go for the full meal deal and simply watch you live?

Well… they are trying to deny that but hey.  They lied about the green LED light so maybe they’d lie about that too?

Enjoy your google nest cam, ladies!  Enjoy the extra security of ‘home security’.

The following solutions are available to you if you are a victim:

  1. remove the camera and throw it away
  2. litigate Alphabet into the dark ages
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