Faith and Religion, Flat Earth

Seeking Truth

In the world there are many lies: some proven, some unproven, some spoken, some unspoken. At one point I started collecting all of them here in my conspiracy catch-all post.  Sorry for the lack of updates, by the way. There are negative terms created for people who have an interest in either exposing lies or seeking truth. Even if these…

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Flat Earth

Flat Earth: Why the Blue Screens, Nasa?

When I was young, my dad made a joke.  I said something about man walking on the moon and he said “How do you know they walked on the moon?” Honestly, he was joking because my dad today actually believes that man walked on the moon. I laughed then at his joking but when I walked away I couldn’t stop…

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Flat Earth

Flat vs Globe Earth: Biblical Perspective

There are many videos out there about whether or not the earth is flat or a globe.  If you are a Bible believer, then you have a double duty of looking at this topic because, after all, the Bible is a flat earth book.  Perhaps you glazed over the scriptures when you read them and filed them with ‘poetry’ or…

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