Historical Truth 1 – Old Testament G2M A good while back the Israelites had neither kings, nor judges. This was God’s will. He set it up this way. They followed God directly in cooperation with Moses. The cloud moved, they moved. The role of Moses was not one of ‘king’, nor leader, but perhaps if you had to slap a…
Tag: religion
The Real Jesus of the Bible
I’ve been a professing disciple of Jesus for about 20 years. Prior to meeting Jesus personally, I had seen an Anglican version of Him. It was a ritualistic cookie cutter machine of religious gymnastics. I realized I didn’t have what it took to become good at this sport so I left. When I really met Jesus it was through a…
Was Martin Luther King Junior a Christian?
This post has been toned down a level as it has been suggested that I was being ‘judgemental’ and ‘not theologically trained enough’. Fair enough. I judged that MLK’s theology was totally off base and I have not been to seminary. So that is probably true. But, I’ll change the tone so that this post is in more of a…