How to install Zint (command line) on Ubuntu. I was hoping this would work with a GUI but for the life of me I could not figure it out nor find the repository. It used to work, obviously, by a simple sudo apt install but I’m gettin the ‘can’t find repository’ message. I think it might only work for 20.04…
Tag: howto
Importing Chart of Accounts into Akaunting
I’m now well on my way to investing my time and support behind Akaunting software but I feel I should continue to blog my frustrations as well so others can benefit, save some time, and hopefully help improve the code (most important). I had relatively successfully set up Company 1 (“Co1” from here on in) and Wanted to create Co2.…
I thought I would install Akaunting the long and hard way rather than the one click install with Digital Ocean – which is probably the smart way to go. I should say that, sadly, after I got Akaunting setup I could not synchronize directly with my bank in Canada as it seems that it does not support the file formats…
How to install Korean Hangul Keyboard Ubuntu Gnome 20.04
If you ended up on my 18.04 tutorial for Hangul then you should be here if you have 20.04. There is a difference now in this procedure starting in Part 2 PRE-AMBLE In Ubuntu there are two things that need to happen to be able to type a non-native language into the operating system. You need to get the fonts…
Suitecrm is absolutely awesome, free and open software to run your organization or business. I’ve messed around with various crm’s like Salesforce but SuiteCRM is just so flexible. Oh, and it doesn’t cost any money. Oh, and if you need help or other stuff you can just pay people to build what you need. I haven’t explored all sectors but…
SuiteCRM Post-Installation Housekeeping
If you’ve been following along any of my other SuiteCRM (“SCRM” from hereon in) blog posts, you’ll know that I’m a big fan of this free and open SuiteCRM software project. As such, I do my best to document things that are either easily forgotten or difficult to find online. Hopefully some of this is valuable to you. 1 –…
How to Recover Admin Access and Password from Digital Ocean WordPress Install
What happened: I thought I had saved my admin user and password safely in my password manager. Two weeks later after installing a WP instance, I realized I had not. Oops… Obviously the first thing I did was try the ‘reset password’ link on the /wp-login.php page. Oddly this failed. It would not send me an email, whether I used…
How to Do Some Code Changes in Gitlab
I’m not a developer but was encouraged to try a one character change to some software. I felt that I couldn’t break too much so I did my first tiny change. Literally one character text edit. However, it was a bit scary so I’m just posting this to show the basic workflow. This assumes you already have a gitlab account…
Did someone send you a bulk email and foolishly leave all the recipients exposed? Do you want to grab those recipients and use for your own great purposes? Good news, it’s not so hard to do! Here’s what you’ll need: A text editor (gedit on ubuntu) Spreadsheet software (Libre Office is the one I’ll use here since it’s both free…
How to Install Video Convertor App on Nextcloud
Someone complaining that they can’t view an Apple .MOV file on your Nextcloud server? No surprise considering ‘apple is apple’. Heard about the cool app ‘Video Convertor’ for Nextcloud? Tried to install it and use it and got that ‘requires ffmpeg error? Same. Turns out it’s pretty easy to to get it going and here is how: Let’s do it.…