Business, Freedom and Privacy, Life Skills, Technology, Tutorial

Planning Your Yunohost Install for Small Business

Yunohost is an amazing self-hosting platform with an incredible number of super valuable tools for small businesses ranging from website hosting to email hosting to email marketing. I’m really trying to force myself to move my business over to this platform to better protect company and customer data, as well as other financial savings. However, while going through the process…

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Faith, Faith and Religion, Life Skills

Sinners Sin: Dealing With Disappointment in Myself and Others

“What do you expect? Sinners sin.” – Unnamed Pastor, 2001 Struggling with disappointment in others and in myself seems to be a never-ending theme in my life. Deep in my heart and in my mind has always been the very keen awareness that there does exist somewhere perfection. The concept of perfection is set deep in all of our consciousness.…

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