Let us continue our journey towards truth – whether hard or easy. Did Jesus clearly ‘know about time zones’ and ‘talk about time zones’? Let’s take a look at the Bible in Matthew 24:36-42 and Luke 17:33-36 (pasted at the bottom for your convenience): The argument against the flat earth model with these scriptures is that Jesus is ‘clearly talking…
Tag: flat earth
Flat, Convex, or Concave Earth? It Depends on Your Lens
This video was sent to me as I have a strong interest in the topic of whether the earth is a ball or a flat surface. As I journey towards truth, popular sources still tell me it’s a ball but all my senses tell me it’s immovable and flat… The first thing that caught my attention was at 1:23 into…
Psalm 19, The Sun’s Path and a Flat Earth
Psalm 19, as follows and noted in this summary article is a very tough scripture to read and hold onto a globe earth model: Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, Which [is] as a bridegroom coming out of…
The Bible and Our Very Flat Earth
Edit 2: Edit 1: July 14, 2016: Added section ‘The Visible Second Coming of Christ” at bottom. Coming next: General biblical cosmology – What does the Bible say about the rest of the universe? First Publication: July 2016 While I continue my journey down the flat earth versus globe earth investigation, it has become apparent a need to pull together…
Flat vs Globe Earth: Biblical Perspective
There are many videos out there about whether or not the earth is flat or a globe. If you are a Bible believer, then you have a double duty of looking at this topic because, after all, the Bible is a flat earth book. Perhaps you glazed over the scriptures when you read them and filed them with ‘poetry’ or…
Why Your School Doesn’t Teach About Scientist Auguste Piccard
As I continue down the journey for truth and explore the globe earth versus flat earth discussion (it’s important), I came across another eureka point. There is a man who, with his own eyes, traveled so high into the sky that he was able to see something very interesting: the edge of the earth. If this weren’t so long ago,…
They Hate Truth and Love Their Fathers’ Lies
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. – John 8:44 I…
Flat Earth vs Globe Earth and Why it Matters to You
It has taken me about three months to put out this first post on this topic. It took about two of those three months to process the emotional elements associated with a paradigm shift and the remaining month to more positively embrace and learn about what originally seemed as an archaic and outlandish pile of beefdirt (slightly different from hogwash).…