Faith and Religion

Was Martin Luther King Junior a Christian?

This post has been toned down a level as it has been suggested that I was being  ‘judgemental’ and ‘not theologically trained enough’.  Fair enough.  I judged that MLK’s theology was totally off base and I have not been to seminary.  So that is probably true.  But, I’ll change the tone so that this post is in more of a…

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How to Gauge your Christian Life

It’s a fact that there are just a few lines to carve into your gravestone or fit into your obituary in the back of your local newspaper.  So what would it say about you?  What would you hope it would say about you? As a Christian (I prefer the term ‘disciple’ and ‘believer’ so we’ll be switching effective now, by…

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Faith and Religion, Life Skills

Ready to Die?

Usually I try to focus on the humourous part of life, but sometimes life is serious.  Sometimes something jumps out at me and ‘puts me in my place’ and helps me refocus.  This quote was just such a quote.  I stopped in my tracks and thought of my family, my friends and even myself. Take a moment to grade yourself.…

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