Tutorial, yunohost

Installing Roundcube in Yunohost

Roundcube is amazing email webmail software. Not only does it have encryption (awesome) but it also seems to have DKIM and the full meal deal. Best of all it comes with Yunohost as a one-click and well supported install. It is a ‘one-click install’ on Yunohost… However… you should consider before you begin, if you want it sitting on your…

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Technology, Tutorial, yunohost

Installing Send in Yunohost

Send is super cool. Not only is it one of the quickest, most simple and intuitive interfaces for sending large files that I’ve ever seen, but it also apparently integrates with ‘filelink’ in Thunderbird which I’ve always been tempted to try. Now that I see it’s a one-click install in YH, I wanted to go for it on my own.…

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