Business, Humour, Life Skills

Special Cafe People – Part 1

Well, at long last it is time to feature the customers that truly make you wonder whether their parents were asleep at the wheel, or, sadly, whether you yourself are off your rockers.  Some of these are your regular customers and you are afraid to ask them directly or the topic is awkward.  Others are one-off wack-nuts that come in…

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Business, Technology

Getting Global Wit’ it (bitcoin)

Yuliya Talmazan had previously called me and then published this article featuring myself as one of the retailers accepting bitcoin in Vancouver.  I still find it amusing how there are two Taylors in the same article. Then she dropped by during her coverage of bitcoin for her time on the 6 oclock news.  I grabbed the file and decided to…

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Business, Coffee, Freedom and Privacy, Technology

What’s this bitcoin stuff? A Layman’s Overview

bitcoin. You’ve heard about it somewhere.  Maybe a local restaurant has a sign that says ‘bitcoin accepted here’, or maybe you’ve just read about a Ponzi scheme or drug and firearms deal associated with it. What is sure is that you probably don’t have the full story on it – and you should – it’s revolutionary. To start with, take…

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