Faith, Parenting

Overcoming the ‘spirit of christmas’ with the Spirit of Christ: Part 4 in a Series: To Pull Your Child from School or Not

Well, Christmas 2015 is now behind us.  Before it gets too far behind us, let’s keep this series going so that we are better prepared next year instead of the annual tradition of scrambling trying to figure out what position to take at the end of November or early December. Here is a quick link list to the previous parts…

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Business, Life Skills, Technology

My Divorce Phone Call with FIDO (Freaking Incompetent Deception Organization)

Fido is not only incompetent, but they are violators of Canada’s Competition Act.  Here is the recording of the filing of my divorce with Fido. Good thing they have the ‘this call may be recorded for coaching and development purposes’ message, eh? >>>Click here for recording of call with Fido<<< Here are the bullet points of the most horrendous display…

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Super Fast Summary of Christianity and the Human Condition

I wrote this to a friend and I think it’s a fine synopsis of the spiritual condition and so I wanted to share it with the world wide webs: ——————————————– While you are waiting for Dr. Wayne’s spiritual advice, please note that the advice is always the same. Here it is in point form because you like point form: +++The…

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Freedom and Privacy, Humour, Technology, Ubuntu

The Ubuntu AudioCast – Where Did It Go???

What a shame. Chucky, Bucky and Philbare seem to have taken an long hiatus from pumping out the latest about Ubuntu. These guys were different because they weren’t just talking tech.  They were talking life. Ubuntu is not just technology.  It relates to a whole bunch more stuff that’s very critical for our future.  Randall Ross did a great short…

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