Technology, Tutorial, yunohost

Installing Signature PDF in Yunohost

Signature PDF is great. It allows you to do basic PDF annotations and digital signatures on said PDFS. It’s not quite a full ‘suite’ yet like Docusign and Sign Request, it seems to be only in French right now (it’s easy to figure out graphically) however, it’s pretty amazing for quick sign-offs. You can save your vectored signature (create it…

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Technology, Tutorial, yunohost

Installing Send in Yunohost

Send is super cool. Not only is it one of the quickest, most simple and intuitive interfaces for sending large files that I’ve ever seen, but it also apparently integrates with ‘filelink’ in Thunderbird which I’ve always been tempted to try. Now that I see it’s a one-click install in YH, I wanted to go for it on my own.…

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Technology, Tutorial, yunohost

Installing CryptPad in Yunohost

Cryptpad is an amazing opensource software suite. You can share real-time spreadsheets, text documents and other stuff. Sometimes you want to do a quick brainstorming, or other times you just want to build a simple database in a familiar ‘excel’ like format. This does all of that, plus, it’s encrypted and completely anonymous. This would be an amazing quick tool…

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Life Skills, Tutorial, Ubuntu


When someone sends a PDF that’s too huge, just navigate to the directory, and run this command: gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=name_of_compressed_OUTPUT_file.pdf name_of_UNcompressed_INPUT_file.pdf For even smaller files and lower resolution of 150dpi, just change the /prepress part to /ebook SPEED TIP: to quickly get the path in your terminal so you can cd to it quickly, just…

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Freedom and Privacy, Life Skills, Nymea, Tutorial, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Touch

My Journey to Nymea (land)

Edit: Feb 6, 2023 – Nymea has recently launched version 1.6 which appears to have added / adjusted at least some of my ‘positive criticism’ comments below so some may no longer be relevant. Further, be advised always to go to the official documentation for the latest and greatest instructions. My stuff is just to go alongside with it.…

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