Freedom and Privacy, Originally Written Elsewhere, Technology, Ubuntu

Five Reasons Why I Already Hate My Iproduct

Originally posted at, Sat, 07/16/2011 – 23:47 ———————————– I avoided Apple for a long time.  A very long time.  While everyone was running around snapping up their expensive, locked-down hardware for extreme prices, I enjoyed more open items like Ubuntu operating systems and Android mobile devices. However, we didn’t have a touch device for home, more specifically, for my…

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Freedom and Privacy, Originally Written Elsewhere, Technology

Diaspora – Social Media that Actually Excites Me

Originally posted at at Sun, 10/02/2011 – 21:09 Finally. After what seems like years, I got my invite to sign up at Diaspora. The coolest thing to me is that you probably don’t even know what it is yet. Don’t worry – people like me will spread the news quick. In a few words, it’s a dumbed down version…

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