Business, Technology

Telus: You Call That Tech Support?

I just had to share my horrific Telus internet tech support story.  It was so frustrating that it is interesting.  Because they have said they will be giving me a couple of months free internet, I’m not going to include a few other stories that surrounded this one, but it’s wrong for me not to share at least this one. …

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Amateur Radio

Morse Code in Music

As a licensed and active amateur radio operator, I started learning morse code a few months back.  My reasoning is that it’s like audible brail – why would I not want to learn that?  If I was fluent at it I could communicate effectively without words… Anyway, my buddy Joe found this video on youtube which actually caught me off…

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Life Skills, Pipes

The Secrets of Pipe Smoking

It was hard to come up with a title for this.  Here are some ideas I toyed with: Why Smoking a Pipe Makes You Cooler Why Losers Don’t Smoke Pipes If You Want to be 79% More Classy, Smoke a Pipe. Why your Grandpa Smoked a Pipe and Why He was Cooler Than You Why Pipe Smoke Smells Awesome and…

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Amateur Radio, Freedom and Privacy

Amateur (Ham) Radio: No, Officer, I won’t Pay That ‘Use of Electronic Device Ticket’ This Time

I’m sick of it. I have gotten 2 violation tickets for allegedly using an electronic device while driving. The first time I was at a red light and I moved my cell phone from my dash (it was sliding around), checked the time on the phone’s clock, and put it on my passenger seat.  The officer behind not only pulls…

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Awesome Coffee Interview: Get Coffee Educated

I have already watched this twice.  For me, watching something *once* is rare. If you like coffee, if you are interested in learning interesting things about coffee, then this is the 1 hour video to watch.  The cool thing is that it has a detailed breakdown of the topics covered so you can skip through to what you like. My…

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Why the Past Stays in the Past

Once in a while… just once in a while, I get a forwarded email that I read all the way through.  98% of the time this happens it’s because it’s funny.  The other 2% are probably educational to some level. This one was so emotion-stirring that I felt I needed to actually give it an online shout-out.  Since no one…

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