Eun Chae, one of my students, submitted this interested topic for her writing. I thought it was quite intriguing so I thought I would publish it. She didn’t do exceeding amounts of research but enough for all of us to benefit. Enjoy and thanks, Eun Chae. Why do musical instruments that come from Korea, Japan, and China look similar?…
Author: justadminnit
Two Classic Highly Intelligent and Humourous Comedic Acts
Sometimes I review these to help me realize that some things old are much better than new. I guess back then people had brains when they used humour? Johnny Carson as Ronald Reagan Abbott & Costello Who’s on First
Ready to Die?
Usually I try to focus on the humourous part of life, but sometimes life is serious. Sometimes something jumps out at me and ‘puts me in my place’ and helps me refocus. This quote was just such a quote. I stopped in my tracks and thought of my family, my friends and even myself. Take a moment to grade yourself.…
Why Setup and How to Setup PGP Encryption on Your Email
Preface If you don’t have encryption on at least your email, you might as well send the information on a postcard for the world to see. If you don’t like the idea of the content of your email being put onto a postcard then you need to set up PGP as today’s best solution. Is it amazingly easy? No. Like…
Finally. Someone Else Who Hates the K-Cup (Video)
I don’t usually blog videos but dang. This one is just world class. Enjoy this, but think about the following, too: it’s the most profitable coffee business on the planet besides Starbucks instant coffee Via You are pumping hot liquid through cheap plastic. Would you brew coffee through your water bottle? I LOL in your general direction Would you store…
How to Migrate Thunderbird Lightning Calendar to Owncloud
I will expand this tutorial soon but I was able to figure it out from this. Bug me if I haven’t updated this and clarified the details since this tutorial is not clear in a few ways
detailed ubuntu ddclient and namecheap tutorial
I just wanted to log this great website that I found which offers a great copy and paste ddclient setup. It’s much better than the out-of-the-box setup that comes with the software. Thanks very much for this tutorial! detailed ubuntu ddclient and namecheap tutorial It was also interesting to learn that Namecheap simply uses a service called ‘freedns’ apparently…. good…
How to Install Owncloud on Ubuntu 14.04 Server
I heard owncloud is awesome but I just couldn’t force myself to get it installed on my home server project until another situation lead me back to it – the need for a self-owned calendar instead of one that relies on some other cloud service. I didn’t want my daily schedule on someone’s server to view. After trying may supposedly…
Getting an Ubuntu Server Up and Running from Start to Finish: 14.04
All I wanted to do was turn an unused computer into a web host in my house so I could run wordpress on my own domain/website. I knew Ubuntu is the best so that was my plan. There are a lot of tutorials out there but I found it to be fragmented all over the world wide webs. This post…
For How Long Will Translink Remain a Shame?
The trigger for this quick post is this amazingly well built website to stop the provincial “translink tax’ to cover the cost of ‘stuff’ to ‘reduce traffic’. Seriously check out this site and power through right to the bottom. Kind of makes your gut hurt but it’s great: >>Website about Translink Tax<< After reading it and voting ‘no’, it made…